Jah’s 5 year old eye review –  Lazy Eye and Tips on how to get your child to patch his eye

I didn’t intend to write this post at all. We did document Jah’s eye review in Feb 2015 (few months after he turned 3). But I was expecting this eye review to be rather routine. Although bad mummy didn’t realise that it had been almost 2 years since his last review sigh! 

Honestly I had intended to bring him in 2017 just prior to him going to Primary 1 to get him prescribed for a new pair of glasses. However we decided to bring him earlier after an eye checkup was conducted for the K1s and K2s in his school by the Health Promotion Board. So armed with a referral letter in hand which showed his vision was not ‘perfect’ even with his specs on, we headed to his opthamologist.

As usual, a series of tests was conducted first before we got to see the doctor (reading letters of varying sizes off the screen while each eye was covered, checking eye responses with a torch in a darkened room while he watched a show on tv and then putting on lens with increasing degree until he could read the ‘fine print’). It took us about 15 minutes or so but phew that he cooperated through most of it and only becoming abit restless towards the last few lines. 

When we finally saw the doctor, she told us that his astigmatism degree in each eye had gone up by about 25degrees each (so 250 in his right eye and 25 in his left). Not too bad I guess? She asked if we wanted to get new glasses made since he has been using the same one for the past 2 years and if we did then we would have to do the eye dilation so that she could pinpoint the exact degree with more accuracy and write him the prescription. However she mention that the dilation was likely to give a very similar reading since the increase was only 25 degrees in each eye. I was about to say sure let’s do it and get him his new glasses for the new school year when she had more news for me..

She reveals the dreaded info which we had kind of been hoping to avoid..”he has developed a lazy eye in the weaker eye so we will have to start patching his eye 2 hours every day.” 
So let’s backtrack a little here..Jah has had very high astigmatism in 1 eye which was detected when he was 3. The result of very high astisgmtism especially in 1 eye if left untreated (no glasses worn), is that he would develop a lazy eye in the weaker eye. This is because the brain would start to ignore the ‘signals’ from the weaker eye and form a preference for the stronger eye. This would eventually lead to a severe deterioration of the vision in the weaker eye. 

We had opted to make him wear his glasses since he was 3 despite him having to put up with kids who think the glasses are a plaything or hearing comments from kids and adults about it, to avoid the lazy eye.

But it looks like despite all that, the lazy eye has found us. 😦 That being said, his lazy eye seems to be at a very initial stage where hopefully early detection and intervention will see some progress or stop any deterioration. 

So yes back to present day where we would have to patch his left eye for 2 hours everyday for the next 4 months until our review with the dr again. We decided to push the dilation test to 4 months later and get his new glasses then. If we have learnt anything as a parents, it is dealing with one unknown at a time. So rather than throw him off with a dilation test today, we decided to focus on talking to him about the eye patching and why it needed to be done. Ok granted I added quite abit of fluff :p

So if you have a kid who needs to be convinced to patch his eye..here are some of our tips on how we tried to handle it..

1) We had a choice between regular plain patches and patterned ones (price diff $10 per box of 50). We chose the patterned ones to make it more fun and attractive. Then again once he saw the 2 options, there was really no turning back for us :p

2) We explained that we needed to train his other eye, help it gain strength like building his muscles in the gym so that he could battle and gain X-ray vision. Yes the whole works about there being hidden power in that eye that needs to be uncovered..this is more boy-centric but u could possibly try magic and fairy power of some sort with girls?

3) We explained the schedule to him of when and how long it needed to be done. We told him that we will only do it after school when we are at home. He will not wear it in school and he will only wear it out if he is comfortable. (In fact he asked to go buy food with us this evening, in his eye patch). He did ask why people were staring at him but I explained that some times people stare at things that they don’t understand and that if anyone asked him what happened to his eye, he can either tell them he is increasing its power or ask them to ask his mummy. But avoiding the patching at school, will help to prevent any teasing and help us to monitor his own reaction too. 

4) We spent the first 10-15 mins after patching his eye paying close attention to him as he might be disoriented from having one eye covered and only using his weaker eye. Try to spend as much of that 2 or 3 hours of eye patching time with him, doing activities together or just watching a show together. This will help him enjoy patching time more because he gets to spend time with you and again you get to monitor his reaction. Jah got abit agitated initially because he wasn’t used to the adhesive and it was making him itchy but spending time with him and addressing it, helped him to calm down. By the 1st hour, he was really happy to declare that “I’m feeling used to it now mummy.” Phew! 

5) If your kid has sensitive skin like Jah then apply some moisturiser to his face after removing the patch so avoid any rashes from flaring up.

Hopefully these tips will come in handy..:)

Super thankful for a good first day and for a awesome boy who cooperated in fact we did some painting in the 2nd hour and he wore the patch with no complaint for almost 3 hours. He even helped me to remove it while I ‘splashed’ it with water, to help it come off more easily.

Hoping the rest of the journey will be as easy too and that we make good progress with early intervention 🙂

JahBella’s Mummy

Cold Storage Kids Run 2016 [Media Invite]

Jah and Bella just completed their 2nd Cold Storage Kids Run yesterday and they are already looking forward to next year’s race! Mummy on the other hand is still recovering from getting up at 5am. :p Despite the rain that was still falling as we were driving to Gardens by the Bay at 630am, their spirits were not dampened one bit by it. Thankfully the rain stopped just as we were walking to the event area and the rain left us with muddy puddles (our shoes and freshly groomed car weren’t too happy about that) and a nice overcast sky (which made the humidity so much easier to bear with). The kids of course didn’t care about any of that and were just really excited that were making our way to the race.




Bella and Mummy before the race starts!


A milo boost before the race!

While we were able to race in the same category (Jolly Kiwi) last year because Bella was 2 and Jah was 4. We had to divide and conquer this year, with Bella still in the Jolly Kiwi Category (2 – 4 year olds) and Jah in the AIA Vitality Category (5 & 6 year olds). I was abit apprehensive about splitting up because Bella raced the whole way on Joel’s shoulder last year and I was going to race with her this year.  I kept reminding her that Mummy was not going to carry her and that she really had to race on her own. I have to say I am extremely proud of this little lady because she showed me a determination that I have not seen in her yet. She raced the entire 800m on her own and only asked to hold my hand at around the 400m mark, right about the same time when I noticed that she looked alittle tired and was slowing down. Good job Bella! Mummy is so proud of you!


Insisting that I didn’t need to hold her hand




After finishing our race and collecting our medals, we headed over to the barriers near the Finish Line to wait for Jah and Joel. Even though their category was just after ours, we had more than enough time to find a spot and wait for them to race to the Finish. In fact we waited quite abit because we were in the first group of Jolly Kiwis who were flagged off and our boys were in the  4th Group of the AIA Vitality category to be flagged off.

I absolutely love the planning at the Cold Storage Kids Run because this ensures that participants in the same category are staggered for safety and crowd control reasons and parents with kids in back to back categories have time to participate and wait for their other kids to come round the bend. 🙂



Although I did have a little scare when I saw Jah reach the Finish Line. Mummy’s instinct told me something didn’t look quite right when I saw him approach the finish line. He looked a little too pale for my liking. When I finally met him at the medal collection area, he complained that he had a tummy ache and that he wanted to lie down and sleep. I carried him and he immediately flopped into my arms, rested his head on my shoulders and went almost limp. My heart was in my throat at that point as I saw him turning whiter.

I quickly realized that he might be having gastric pains and low blood sugar because he had refused breakfast in his excitement this morning and only had 2 cups of milo from the Milo truck. Thankfully a nice lady happened to be giving out packets of sponsored chocolate milk and vanilla bread and I quickly gave him some chocolate milk and he instantly felt better! Colour started returning to his face and lips and he had the energy to stand on his own again. Phew!!!  The poor boy did not realize that we had prepared bread for him in our back pack and he had thought that he wasn’t allowed to eat his breakfast since we had left the house already. Lesson learnt to feed them before their race and thank goodness for the sponsored refreshments at the race!! Quite literally our life savers!!! I am truly proud of his boy who managed to finish his 800m despite the discomfort and pain that he must have been feeling. I think it might be true what they say about boys not wanting to let their daddies down.

I still can’t believe how different my babies were during the race last year versus this year and despite having to be in different categories and Jah feeling alittle sick, I am kind of glad that I got to see the determination in them.


My little babies last year!


Time flies…

On a side note, they did have a Family Fun category for kids between 2 – 12 years this year and Jah and Bella have already requested that we join the Fun Dress Up category next year so that we can all race together again and play dress up as well! 🙂

Until next year!

JahBella’s Mummy

Disclaimer – We were invited to participate in the Cold Storage Kids Run 2016. No monetary compensation was received and all opinions and photos are our own.

For Mummies of Little Boys – Foreskin Infection

So we are just fresh off a beach holiday and honestly this is possibly the last topic I would think to write after an awesome vacation. (More on that awesome vacation in our later posts).

However I felt that it was important for me to share our run-in or Jah’s run-in with a foreskin infection during our trip and what we did to help him. Excuse the lack of photos as the photos taken were rather private (pun intended :p)

A foreskin infection or balanitis is apparently a very common condition amongst little boys from the ages of 2 and up however there are varying and overwhelming information on how to go about handling this situation.

For starters, there are two camps on the issue – the pro-circumcision and the anti- circumcision camp. I will not be going into a discussion on this at all, rather I would just like to share what worked for us in a situation where we didn’t have access to his usual PD or an A&E that we felt we could trust.

Jah started complaining about a pain in his penis on Friday (a day into our holiday). On close inspection, we didn’t spot anything odd and figured it might have been an insect bite or a bruise that he might have gotten during a recent Sports Day event. We asked if it was painful to pee and ruled out an urinary tract infection when he said no. I started watching him closely for signs of swelling or redness and also monitored his peeing situation.

By Saturday afternoon, the boy was screaming in pain every time I tried to put on his underwear or if anything would brush or even come into slight contact with his penis. This time the sudden swelling was very obvious. The area was obviously swollen, red and very tender in fact the appearance of pus started to really freak us out. My best friend Google revealed that it was likely balanitis which we were looking at and it needed medical attention and likely a hydrocortisone cream and antibiotics for the infection.

We were more than 24 hours away from our flight home and I read enough horrors stories online about doctors not knowing the right way to examine for balanitis. I didn’t want to traumatise Jah before his PD got to see him and so the huge dilemma of whether to take him to the in house hotel doctor, a local A&E or to sit tight and wait till our return to Singapore.

We gave him a dose of ibuprofen to help with the pain and to settle him for a nap. The closest thing we had to a hydrocortisone cream at that point was his eczema cream which belonged to the same family of medicine. In desperation, we applied a thin layer for him and prayed hard that we would see some improvement after his nap.

Thankfully the pain relief worked and he rested. He also woke up to a slightly less inflamed nether region and no more pus. However the tip of his penis now had a small ‘balloon’ at the end and we started to worry if it was sealed swollen and whether he was able to pee. We only started breathing again when we witnessed him peeing without fuss.

We wanted to go to a nearby pharmacy to purchase a hydrocortisone cream for him but also read that using a cream without antibiotics might worsen the situation if it was a bacterial infection rather than a fungal infection. Thankfully we found out that organic coconut oil had anti fungal and anti bacterial properties and could be used to treat balanitis. We were fortunate that we were holidaying in a place where coconut oils were a plenty and we found a bottle of Extra Virgin Coconut Oil easily at a pharmacy.


Jah was in good spirits throughout this experience and was very happy to go for dinner, ice cream and to shop for his coconut oil and that settled us alittle. Mummy’s instinct told me that we were at least not in dire need of medical attention at that point.


This big smile put my mind at ease..(well alittle at least)…what a trooper!

We applied the coconut oil before bed that night and found that the swelling and redness had largely subsided overnight! Phew! We made it home the next evening and even managed to wait till Monday morning to take him to his PD.

A visit to his PD on Monday morning showed a marked improvement in his condition compared to the Sat photos we had taken and he was prescribed with a potassium permanganate wash as well as a hydrocortisone cream. Ironically the cream was something that he also used for his eczema but I had brought a different brand with us in the trip. *smack head*


Easily available at pharmacies too I was told…

So what lesson have I learnt through all this? Well for one I will definitely be packing some coconut oil and his hydrocortisone cream for our next trip overseas.

Some of the things we learnt and checked for
1) Could he pee as per normal? Any problems or pain peeing? This was to rule out a UTI.
2) Was he having a fever? This would suggest the infection was a lot worse and we would have then taken him to a dr or Hosp immediately.
3) Was he in a lot of pain and was that preventing him from functionally normally or sleeping. If so then give him some pain relief in the form of Panadol or ibuprofen.
4) Did the interim measures like coconut oil help? Was he in less pain and had the swelling situation improve? If the coconut oil had not made any improvements then we would also have brought him to the In-house Dr.
5) Mummy’s instinct..yes apart from the above checks, we used mummy instinct which overrules everything else above. Had I felt uncomfortable about the situation at all, we would have handed straight for medical attention.

Hopefully Jah will never have to go through that experience again but we will definitely be better equipped if it does. And I hope you never have to find this post handy 🙂

JahBella’s Mummy

Cold Storage Kids Run 2016 + Discount Code

JahBella participated in their first race during the Cold Storage Kids Run 2015 last year and thoroughly enjoyed themselves. In fact they have been bugging us to find out when the next race will take place and which categories they will get to race in. So you can only imagine their excitement when we told them that the Cold Storage Kids Run will be back for its 9th consecutive year and that we will be taking part!


While there is definitely no lack of runs/ races/ marathons in Singapore, my kids are strangely fixated on the Cold Storage Kids Run even though it isn’t ‘attached’ to any fancy cartoon/ animation character.

If you read about our experience last year [click here], you would know that we benefited from JahBella being close in age because they got to participate in the same category, the Jolly Kiwis for 2 – 4 years old. Well ok, they didn’t really participate side by side, given that Jah ran the whole 800m while Bella got carried on Joel’s shoulders almost from the starting line. But the awesome part was that the littler ones could move at their own pace and not be worried about being jostled by much older kids (which normally happens when every kid from 2 to 12 ends up in 1 category). In fact we saw many parents carrying their little ones in carriers or on their shoulders and the small ones were just really happy to be part of all that 800m excitement.


Photo 1

The one thing that I absolutely love about the Cold Storage Kids Run is the fact that the races are very well categorized by age. It is truly an out and out Kids Run which caters to the various ages in different categories as well as distances which the kids can cover comfortably regardless of whether it is in ‘fun’ mode or ‘competitive’ mode. There is even a stroller race if that is your preferred mode of ‘transportation’ 🙂 The ‘after party’ carnival is also a huge draw for the little ones to spend time with family and friends so yes gather everyone for a fantastic Sunday morning out!


This year, we will be participating in two different categories which means that Joel and I will have to divide and conquer. I’m taking Bella so wish me luck! Perhaps I’ll be whipping out my own carrier this time around :p

The Cold Storage Kids Run 2016 will be happening on 22 May 2016 (Sunday) at The Meadows @ Gardens by The Bay (7am to 12pm).

Race/ reporting times will depend on which category you have signed up for.

For more info on race categories and fees, please refer to this link.

Do note that the registration will close on 3rd April 2016 or once the race capacity of 5,000 has been reached so make sure that you don’t miss out!

However if you have missed out on the Early Bird Registration Window, fret not!

Here is a promo code REFBLOGGER16 that will entitle you to a 10% discount off the registration price.

JahBella are already gearing up and practicing for their upcoming race so what are you waiting for? We will see you at the Finish Line! 🙂


JahBella’s Mummy

Jah’s 2nd dental appointment and losing his 2 front teeth + Tips on what to look for with mouth injuries in kids

We brought Jah for his 2nd dental appointment yesterday. He had his first dental check at 3 years old and so this was long overdue because we had to postpone a Nov appointment due to HFMD.

Prior to this appointment, we were concerned about the little cavity that the dentist had found on one of his tooth a year ago. We were told to allow it to remineralise by applying fluoride on it and not eating/ drinking milk after the last brush at night. We were worried that it might have gotten worse since he had only recently agreed to stop taking his milk after his last brush.

Little did we know that the cavity was going to be the least of our concerns. During his first appointment, the dentist also pointed out that one of his front tooth had turned ‘grey’ which usually is the sign of a dead nerve/ dead tooth after trauma. We recalled that Jah had a bump to the chin when he was about 2 years old and that was probably the trauma that had caused the ‘dead or dying nerve’

At that point we were told that as long as there was no inflammation, gum swelling, bleeding or pus from the gums then everything should be fine. (Infection resulting from injury to the teeth could flare up anytime within 3 years of the injury).

Jah hadn’t exhibit any of the above warning signs so we thought that we were in the clear of any abscess to his tooth. Fortunately or unfortunately, Bella head butted him in the teeth 2 days before this 2nd appointment. This led to his lips and gums bruising and swelling up. When the dentist saw this, she was immediately concerned as she was now unable to tell if the swelling was purely from the recent injury or that he might have had swelling prior already.


The swelling immediately after his sister headbutted him

Long story short, she decided to X-ray his front 4 teeth and found that the root of 1 of front tooth was showing signs of reabsorption (which meant that it could fall off sooner rather than later) and that the root of the ‘dying / dead’ tooth wasn’t as ‘clear’ as the rest anymore. 


The swelling on the day of his appointment. You don’t see anything right? But apparently enough swelling and bruising underneath for her to be concerned.

On top of that, she found that an abscess had developed in the gums close to the ‘dying/ dead’ tooth. This meant that it was probably a matter of time before it ‘erupted’ and his gums would start swelling and giving out pus. The way to prevent further damage or eventual pain would be to pull out both front teeth! Yes lose the two front tooth now and wait 2-3 years for the adult ones to come out! Oh my goodness! (The treatment for baby tooth is extraction whereas the treatment for an adult tooth would usually be a root canal procedure) 

However as she was unable to tell how serious his situation was due to the new injury, she wanted to wait and see if the swelling would subside. It should subside within 2 weeks if it was purely due to the recent injury. So now we are waiting for the swelling to subside and we are due to have a review in a month’s time.

This review would essentially tell us if there is any immediate need to remove his 2 front teeth or if we can wait it out a little while more and pray that the abscess does not erupt before his 2 front tooth decide to drop off naturally when he reaches approximately 7 years old.

We are prepping ourselves for the possibility that both teeth might need to go sooner rather than later and he would need to take the GA route (which is another nightmare) on top of not having his 2 front teeth for a good 3 years. 😦

Well on the bright side, the rest of his teeth look a-ok and his earlier cavity has not grown any bigger so we are all good as long as we are ok with not having his two front teeth for Christmas (or the next few Christmases) :/

Here are some tips for fellow parents when it comes to dental reviews and mouth injuries that we picked up from the dentist and from our own research. 

1) You might like to bring your little ones for their first dental appointment around 3 years old. This will help you deduct any potential problems and nip the problem in the bud or at least take preventive actions

2) If your kid has had a mouth injury or trauma to the mouth/ teeth, do look out for any swelling, fever or pus and see a doctor/ dentist if there are these signs.

3) If your kid has had a mouth injury or trauma to the mouth/ teeth, look out for any tooth darkening or greying as this is a sign of a dying or dead nerve/ tooth. If you do spot the tooth darkening, then start monitoring your kid’s mouth for abscess (pus from the gums or swelling). Bring your kid to the dentist immediately if you spot any of the symptoms. Remember these symptoms can show up within 3 years of the injury or trauma.

4) Do brush your kid’s teeth with proper fluoride toothpaste as soon as they are able to gargle and spit. The baby toothpaste are of no use at all. That being said, do still brush them even if they are not ready for fluoride toothpaste. The fluoride toothpaste should state clearly that it had at least 1300ppm.

5) If your kid has a cavity, you can apply a dab of fluoride toothpaste on the cavity after brushing. You do not need to rinse off that dab of toothpaste. This is to help the cavity remineralise and keep it from growing bigger. That being said, please bring your child to a dentist if you spot cavities as they would be in the best position to treat in case the cavity is a lot worse than what we have in Jah’s case.

6) Last but not least, try not to use the dentist as scare tactics for the kids as it would make your job of taking them to one in future a lot harder. Tell them that the dentist is there to help them kill off the germs in their mouths. Works especially well for boys when you use shooting and battling germs as an scenario. 🙂

Wish us luck for our review and if you do spot Jah without his 2 front teeth then you know why..Smile away little ones!


I hope we get to keep these 2 front teeth for another 3 years at least *crossing fingers*

JahBella’s Mummy