Hop and Honk ( I Theater) – Review

Media Invite

Jah and I were invited to watch the latest I Theater production, Hop and Honk, a musical weaving two familiar tales – the Ugly Duckling and the Frog Prince.


I was initially worried that Jah might not make it through the entire 85 minutes show and that he might ask to leave during the 15 minutes interval. However my fears were unfounded and I was surprised when he started to ‘whine’ as the curtains came down during the interval. He wanted the show to continue and who could blame him.


The show was extremely entertaining with its larger than life props, elaborate costumes, talented performers, catchy tunes, amazing backdrops and intelligent play with lighting. Continue reading

Lansdale Farm School – Perth (March 2014)

After an eventful morning, taking photos down at Triggs Beach. We had to take a breather and satisfy our rumbling tummies. We decided to hop into the café/ restaurant which was conveniently located by the beach, it also happened to be a branch of our favourite Kaili’s Fish and Chips! The view from the restaurant was simply beautiful, with full glass panels and clear blue skies, any meal would be perfect!

Wonderful view!

Wonderful view!

Kids having a chat and a laugh..hmmm they look kinda burnt don't they?

Kids having a chat and a laugh..hmmm they look kinda burnt don’t they?

We were initially pretty skeptical about whether the kids would be able to last through another activity or pit stop after what we thought might be a strenuous morning. But the kids were in such good mood that we decided to proceed to our standby activity – Lansdale Farm School (15 minutes drive away from Triggs Beach). Continue reading

My Must-Have Essential Oils that worked for us

I was an essential oils skeptic, largely because of its affiliation with Multi Level Marketing (no offense to those who are into it) but just a personal choice. However after doing some of my own research on the ‘magic’ of essential oils and the ‘scientific’ nature of these remedies, I decided to give it a try. I suppose anything that would help prevent my kids from falling ill or that would help their recovery process was worth a try and welcomed in my house. That being said, I do not promote any particular brand of essential oils and the recommendations below are just the ones that have worked for me.

Before I go into which oils worked for me and what I use them for. I have to make a disclaimer that the essential oils work and agree with Jah however they don’t quite agree with Bella. So I maintain that it differs from person to person and it depends on how each person reacts to it. Perhaps Bella was a little too young (1 year old) when I try to introduce it to her or maybe she just has very sensitive airways. (Her symptoms tend to get worse when I use the oils on her through diffusion). So I have since stopped using them on her and I have no intention to re-introduce them. Jah on the other hand, uses various oils every night through different ‘application’ methods. Continue reading

Scary Mommy Thanksgiving Project – Paying It Forward

While most of us are familiar with celebrating Christmas, we are less likely to celebrate Thanksgiving or be familiar with the tradition of Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is a national holiday celebrated primarily in the US/ Canada as a day of giving thanks for the blessing of the harvest and of the preceding year. However I assume that all of us regardless of race or religion would be have grown up or been exposed to similar celebrations within our culture. This year, Thanksgiving will be celebrating on 27 November (4th Thurs in Nov) in the US.

In most cultures, a traditional thanksgiving celebration would often involve a huge feast with the family. However not all families can afford to put food on their table even on a regular day, what more on Thanksgiving Day. While we may not entirely identify with or celebrate Thanksgiving in November as the Americans do, I think most of us especially as parents would be able to identify with the strong need to protect and provide for our kids. We are all the same, as parents; just seeking to give the best we can to our children.

The Scary Mommy Thanksgiving Project began 3 years ago with a handful of families. Looking to pitch in to help families in need, afford their Thanksgiving dinner.


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Penang Holiday – Hard Rock Penang (Oct 2014)

Yes so we are finally back from our Penang trip!! We have been to Penang as a family before in fact this is actually Jah’s 3rd trip to Penang if you count the shore excursion during his 1st cruise trip. However this is the first time that we have actually chosen to stay at and explore Batu Ferringhi. Before I give you the details of where we stayed and what we/ the kids did in Penang. Here’s a short summary of what is coming up for our Penang Holiday Series – October 2014.

The Hard Rock Penang where we stayed at, is located at Batu Ferringhi, which is an approximate hour drive away from Penang International Airport. We arrived at Hard Rock Penang around 1pm, had our lunch at their Pizzeria (the staff there were really happy and energetic which got us off to a rockin’ start!) and headed over to our room. Continue reading