Jah’s First Movie Date and Review on Penguins of Madagascar

I brought Jah to watch his second movie @ the cinema today. This was meant to be a post school concert ‘reward’ and the chosen movie (Penguins of Madagascar) was rather apt, after all he was a penguin from Madgascar in his school dance. πŸ™‚


I also took the opportunity to make it a ‘playdate’ with one of his friends from childcare. Jah rarely/ has almost never been on a play date. Given that he goes to full day childcare 5 days a week, it has never been a real need. However I recently noticed that Jah has started talking about his friends/ best friends a lot more and has been wanting to invite them to play or even to go on holidays with him :p I figured this will be a good time to help develop his social skills and progressing to the next milestone of interacting rather than playing alone, in a group. I was excited to see if he really could interact with his friend πŸ™‚ It was really nice to see the two of them sit together and ‘chit chat’, from little 18 month olds who would ignore each other to friends at 3 years old. In fact I think I saw glimpses of them getting ready to conspire against us adults.



Now onto my review for Penguins of Madagascar. I was abit apprehensive about the movie. Jah’s first movie was Planes – Fire and Rescue (something he was very familiar with) but Penguins of Madagascar was something totally new to him. Having said that, he sat through the entire movie without moving out of his seat once and he talked a lot less and asked a lot less questions. Perhaps he was getting more familiar with the movie concept but I have to say the rapid and continuous action sequences in the movie helped. While there was enough witty dialogue to amuse the adults, the dialogue was almost always interlaced with an action sequence and it kept him very entertained. The plot was also simple enough for him to understand without asking too many questions about what was happening or what this or that character said. Definitely a good and fun movie to bring the kids to.


The only drawback? Jah woke up from his nap and the first thing he said was “mummy we didn’t take photo in front of the Penguins poster! There was no penguins poster like the planes fire and rescue!” Yes so I wished we could have had a photo op spot :p I guess my only ‘complaint’.

JahBella’s Mummy

Tips for your child’s first time at the movies

Yes we finally took the plunge just before Jah hit the “Big 3” :p and I guess largely owing to the fact that there was a suitable movie for his 1st time at the movies! So if you are wondering when to bring your little one for his/her first movie, I guess there is no right or wrong time (some mummies bring their little bubs in carrier while accompanying their older kid). But if we are talking about having your child enjoy the movie from the start to finish and being able to discuss movie plot with you after haha then I suppose 3 years old is the age for us and here are some tips on how we made it out ‘alive’ and really happy! (Jah told me after his movie that he wants to go watch another movie again soon πŸ™‚ ) Continue reading

Planes Fire & Rescue (Review) – Jah’s first time at the movies

We caught Planes Fire and Rescue (the sequel to Planes) with Jah today. And you know what people always say about sequels? Well in this instance it isn’t true in fact I enjoyed Planes 2 a lot more than it’s predecessor.


I like how there was a shift in storyline. Rather then just be another sequel on Dusty winning another race, they gave him a career change instead and a very exciting one at that!

In fact the new characters are so awesome that Jah has declared one of them as his favorite. Coincidentally it is also Joel’s favourite but Jah has disallowed that and he has chosen Dusty as a favorite for him. Lucky for me, I get to ‘keep’ my favourite character haha! Continue reading