Personal Consultation with D’Elegance (Shapewear Consultation Review)

What is your first thought when I say shapewear? Well for someone who has tried various brands of shapewear (bought both online and from stores overseas), my first thought of shapewear is always that it has to be as tight as possible for it to be able to ‘squeeze’ and ‘slim’ as much as possible. Therefore when I was approached by D’Elegance to try out their personal consultation services and their shapewear products, I was rather skeptical. I mean how different could their services or products be to what I have already been buying online. However after reading more about the company and their products and learning that there could potentially be a difference between D’Elegance shapewear and the ones I was used to. I decided to just it a shot..and boy am I glad I did. I hadn’t realize how wrong I was about the purpose and usage of shapewear until my personal consultation session with D’Elegance.




During my personal consultation session with D’Elegance, I was educated on the purpose and usage of shapewear which contrary to belief, is not to squeeze/ flatten your fats and flabs. Rather it is as its name suggest, to shape your body curvature and body silhouette. Everyone has an ideal body shape based on our height and weight and the idea is well ,to be big at the areas that should be big and small at the areas that should be small (as we would say in chinese 该大的地方大,该小的地方小) :p Yes easier said than done right? Not exactly with shapewear..

The beauty of my personal consultation at D’Elegance was the fact that the entire process/ session was private and non-intrusive. A far cry from the departmental store nightmares of trying to catch the attention of the aunty sales lady who will take one look at you and assume your cup size and then proceed to announce it to the world.


At D’Elegance, I was asked to fill up a simple pre-consultation form and I was then ushered into a private consultation room. There, I was served a nice hot pot of tea while we began a very relaxing consultation and fitting in low ambient lighting. So no harsh lights to further magnify my flaws or to make me feel even more self-conscious of myself. Do take note that in order for D’elegance to provide such an exclusive and personal service, it is important that you make an appointment in advance so that they can ensure that you will be the only person they are serving during that time.





My pre-shapewear measurements were then taken by Elida Teh, the founder of D’elegance and she proceeded to explain to me what some of the more ‘unique’ measurements were about. For example, the ‘magic triangle’ measurement which involves the width measurement between the breasts as well as the length from each breast to your neck. This magic triangle pretty much tells you if your breasts are at their ideal position or if they might be sagging or too far apart. The measurements were taken ‘clinically’ so I didn’t feel self-conscious but at the same time it was personal enough because Elida took time to learn about my concerns.

Based on my measurements, Elida identified my ‘problem areas’ and choose pieces of shapewear which she felt would address my issues and give me my ideal shape. I was about to say give me BACK my ideal shape since a lot of us developed most of our issues after pregnancy and childbirth. But I realized that the shape which Elida had shown me through the shapewear, was something that I had not even achieved pre-kids.

The reasons could range from not owning the right bras and panties or not knowing the right way to put them on (yes there is a right way to put them on for maximum results), to not knowing what to accentuate.


After putting on the shapewear which was selected for me, Elida taught me little tips on how to ensure that I achieved maximum effect and impact with the shapewear. She then proceeded to take my post shapewear measurements, these measurements were then use to replot a diagram to show your ‘changes’ and how much closer to your ideal shape you now are.

 Honestly I was amazed at the post shapewear measurements! I knew for a fact that my usual shapewear would ‘flatten’ certain parts of my body minimally though I never quite knew by how much. I was shocked to see that D’Elegance shapewear had not only shaved 7cm off my abodomen and waist line combined but it was able to add 1cm to my chest line. Add 1cm you might ask? Isn’t shapewear supposed to make you smaller? Well no..shapewear is supposed to shape you which is why certain areas may become bigger because fats/ flabs from the wrong areas may have been returned to the right areas (eg. fat at the back or underarm fats to the chest area or thigh fats to the butt). My legs even measured longer than before even though I am pretty sure that I didn’t grow 3cm during the course of the personal consultation.



And just when I thought I could not be amazed any more, Elida showed me that I could mix and match different shapewears to achieve different effects. I could wear pieces individually or altogether. Yes I had layered 3 pieces of shapewear at 1 point without feeling like I would pass out from heat or compression and it didn’t add bulk.

If you want to find out which pieces of shapewear I had selected for my own collection based on my needs and lifestyle, stay tuned for our upcoming D’Elegance Product review in a week’s time.


In the meantime, if you would like to make an appointment with D’Elegance for your own exclusive, personal consultation session, do quote JahBella for a waiver of the $100 personal consultation fee and a discount of 5% off your first purchase. There is no better time than now especially if the thought of dressing up for CNY is proving to be abit of a hassle.

D’Elegance is also having a 1 for 1 promotion (until 29 Feb 2016) for all brassieres and panties and I can vouch for the fact that their bras and panties are absolutely divine!


10 Anson Road

International Plaza #03-15/16

Singapore 079903

Tel: 6226-3013


JahBella’s Mummy

Disclaimer: I was invited for a free personalized consultation with D’Elegance and products for the purpose of this review. No monetary compensation was received and all opinions are my own.

Jah’s 2nd dental appointment and losing his 2 front teeth + Tips on what to look for with mouth injuries in kids

We brought Jah for his 2nd dental appointment yesterday. He had his first dental check at 3 years old and so this was long overdue because we had to postpone a Nov appointment due to HFMD.

Prior to this appointment, we were concerned about the little cavity that the dentist had found on one of his tooth a year ago. We were told to allow it to remineralise by applying fluoride on it and not eating/ drinking milk after the last brush at night. We were worried that it might have gotten worse since he had only recently agreed to stop taking his milk after his last brush.

Little did we know that the cavity was going to be the least of our concerns. During his first appointment, the dentist also pointed out that one of his front tooth had turned ‘grey’ which usually is the sign of a dead nerve/ dead tooth after trauma. We recalled that Jah had a bump to the chin when he was about 2 years old and that was probably the trauma that had caused the ‘dead or dying nerve’

At that point we were told that as long as there was no inflammation, gum swelling, bleeding or pus from the gums then everything should be fine. (Infection resulting from injury to the teeth could flare up anytime within 3 years of the injury).

Jah hadn’t exhibit any of the above warning signs so we thought that we were in the clear of any abscess to his tooth. Fortunately or unfortunately, Bella head butted him in the teeth 2 days before this 2nd appointment. This led to his lips and gums bruising and swelling up. When the dentist saw this, she was immediately concerned as she was now unable to tell if the swelling was purely from the recent injury or that he might have had swelling prior already.


The swelling immediately after his sister headbutted him

Long story short, she decided to X-ray his front 4 teeth and found that the root of 1 of front tooth was showing signs of reabsorption (which meant that it could fall off sooner rather than later) and that the root of the ‘dying / dead’ tooth wasn’t as ‘clear’ as the rest anymore. 


The swelling on the day of his appointment. You don’t see anything right? But apparently enough swelling and bruising underneath for her to be concerned.

On top of that, she found that an abscess had developed in the gums close to the ‘dying/ dead’ tooth. This meant that it was probably a matter of time before it ‘erupted’ and his gums would start swelling and giving out pus. The way to prevent further damage or eventual pain would be to pull out both front teeth! Yes lose the two front tooth now and wait 2-3 years for the adult ones to come out! Oh my goodness! (The treatment for baby tooth is extraction whereas the treatment for an adult tooth would usually be a root canal procedure) 

However as she was unable to tell how serious his situation was due to the new injury, she wanted to wait and see if the swelling would subside. It should subside within 2 weeks if it was purely due to the recent injury. So now we are waiting for the swelling to subside and we are due to have a review in a month’s time.

This review would essentially tell us if there is any immediate need to remove his 2 front teeth or if we can wait it out a little while more and pray that the abscess does not erupt before his 2 front tooth decide to drop off naturally when he reaches approximately 7 years old.

We are prepping ourselves for the possibility that both teeth might need to go sooner rather than later and he would need to take the GA route (which is another nightmare) on top of not having his 2 front teeth for a good 3 years. 😦

Well on the bright side, the rest of his teeth look a-ok and his earlier cavity has not grown any bigger so we are all good as long as we are ok with not having his two front teeth for Christmas (or the next few Christmases) :/

Here are some tips for fellow parents when it comes to dental reviews and mouth injuries that we picked up from the dentist and from our own research. 

1) You might like to bring your little ones for their first dental appointment around 3 years old. This will help you deduct any potential problems and nip the problem in the bud or at least take preventive actions

2) If your kid has had a mouth injury or trauma to the mouth/ teeth, do look out for any swelling, fever or pus and see a doctor/ dentist if there are these signs.

3) If your kid has had a mouth injury or trauma to the mouth/ teeth, look out for any tooth darkening or greying as this is a sign of a dying or dead nerve/ tooth. If you do spot the tooth darkening, then start monitoring your kid’s mouth for abscess (pus from the gums or swelling). Bring your kid to the dentist immediately if you spot any of the symptoms. Remember these symptoms can show up within 3 years of the injury or trauma.

4) Do brush your kid’s teeth with proper fluoride toothpaste as soon as they are able to gargle and spit. The baby toothpaste are of no use at all. That being said, do still brush them even if they are not ready for fluoride toothpaste. The fluoride toothpaste should state clearly that it had at least 1300ppm.

5) If your kid has a cavity, you can apply a dab of fluoride toothpaste on the cavity after brushing. You do not need to rinse off that dab of toothpaste. This is to help the cavity remineralise and keep it from growing bigger. That being said, please bring your child to a dentist if you spot cavities as they would be in the best position to treat in case the cavity is a lot worse than what we have in Jah’s case.

6) Last but not least, try not to use the dentist as scare tactics for the kids as it would make your job of taking them to one in future a lot harder. Tell them that the dentist is there to help them kill off the germs in their mouths. Works especially well for boys when you use shooting and battling germs as an scenario. 🙂

Wish us luck for our review and if you do spot Jah without his 2 front teeth then you know why..Smile away little ones!


I hope we get to keep these 2 front teeth for another 3 years at least *crossing fingers*

JahBella’s Mummy

Parenting in 2016 – JahBella Style

I hadn’t intend for this to be my first post of 2016, in fact I didn’t intend to write such a post at all. But as I was reading my first book of 2016 (I only read 1 book last year, goodness!), I realised that I needed to document this as a reminder to myself for the year (and for always).

I just started reading “Don’t make me count to three” which essentially is a Christian Parenting book. I’ve only gotten through a couple of pages but the first few pages truly spoke to me and reminded me of our purpose in our kids’ lives.



All very timely since I also just read today on social media about how there are tons of people who regret having kids and apparently people are justifying it and making it seem like it is perfectly fine to ‘regret having your kids’.

Don’t get me wrong, there are days where we wonder what our lives would be like at that very moment if we decided to have kids later. But I absolutely do not regret having my kids, not even in the craziest and angriest moments do I regret them.


There are moments when frustration takes over and in recent days, we have felt these moments more often than we would like to and then I wonder if I am not doing a good enough job with them but regret? NEVER! We adore them and are truly blessed to have them in our lives.

Jah seems to be going through a rough time. We seem to be going through a rough time with his behavior and discipline. We have essentially tried every trick in the book but when we get an outburst or when he gets out of control, we just can’t get through to him like we normally do. It’s tiring, trying and altogether downright discouraging especially when we have to juggle work, kids and everything else in between. So when he misbehaves, we find ourselves misbehaving too. As frustration and irritation escalates, we resort to threats, shouting, giving him the cold shoulder and well spanking. Honestly none of which we are proud of and none of which even helps or changes his behaviour.

Then the book reminds me that I need to attend to his heart and not his behaviour. It reminded me that as much as I might want to ‘give up’ each time my kids challenge my patience and my sanity and as much as I might want to scream in defeat. I need to remember what I’m here for.

I’ve been given a chance to love, nurture, and mould these little beings. There is a reason why they were placed in our hearts and in our home.

It reminded me of Jah asking where he had come from and why he wasn’t in some of our earlier photos and why he only ‘appeared’ a few years later. It reminded me of my answer to him.

That he came from heaven, from God and Jesus.
That it took him and his sister alittle while to get to us because God and Jesus needed time to choose 2 of their most special Angels for us.



And now that they are finally here, it is our turn to take care of them and teach them how to be good children and good people.


So when patience run dry and tempers run high, we will need to remind ourselves of how blessed we are indeed to have these angels in our lives and focus on helping them as well as ourselves become better people..


Starting our parenting lovingly and patiently in 2016…:)


JahBella’s Mummy